
Theatre Expectations

Page history last edited by amrodrig@jeffco.k12.co.us 14 years, 3 months ago

Name: __________________________________                                                                                                 Period: _________

                    (please print)

Catwalk Theatre Program


Pomona High School

Theatre Expectations


Mr. Rodriguez

Ph: 303.982.0724            Email: amrodrig@jeffco.k12.co.us            Websites: www.amrodriguez.pbworks.com



This class will explore many different aspects of the discipline of theatre including, but not limited to acting, directing, technical theatre, playwriting and script analysis.


Discipline:  Respect is of utmost importance in this class.  A lack of respect for anyone or materials used in the class will not be tolerated and will be dealt with according to school policy.  Risk taking is a large part of theatre; therefore the classroom must remain a safe environment for experimentation.  Remember, those who are most successful in theatre are those who maintain an open mind, after all the job of the actor is to recognize what makes people different.


Evaluation: Grades will be based on a sample of many different experiences.  Participation, individual, group and impromptu performances as well as rehearsed projects will all be graded as a part of the student’s marks in the class.  The grading scale is as follows: 100-90% = A, 89.9-80% = B, 79.9-70% = C, 69.9-60% = D, 59.9 or lower = F.


Attendance:  The majority of the student’s grade will be based on participation; therefore daily attendance is of utmost importance to success.  Absences, both excused and unexcused will be handled according to district policy.  Unexcused tardiness demonstrates a lack of respect and will result in a loss of five participation points per tardy.  Students are responsible for all make-up work.  Many of the projects and assignments in the class will be group oriented, thus attendance is vital for the overall group’s success.


Behavior Standards:  Students must come to each class prepared for the day’s assignment with paper and writing utensil.  Students will be given class time to work on assignments and will use their class time effectively to accomplish the task laid in front of them.  In order to achieve the utmost success, students will need to participate with a positive attitude and demonstrate a desire to learn.  Students must wear or bring clothes in which they can move or work comfortably everyday to class. 


Cell phones, food, and drink are not permitted in the classroom.  Personal music devices may be used at the teacher’s discretion.


There will be mandatory performances and presentations as the ultimate goal of any acting class is to perform for an audience.  It is expected that all performances will be produced as rehearsed.  Unapproved changes to scripts will result in a failing grade for the project.


Please sign and return to Mr. Rodriguez. 


_______________________                                                              ________________________________________

Student Signature                                                                                  Parent Signature







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